What's New....

In June I flew to Atlanta expecting to bring home a very cute kitten, a friend took in a pregnant stray. Sadly, the Atlanta kitten didn't survive a run-in with a dog. Much sadness on my part. However, the morning I was leaving, some kittens were seen outside my apartment. Argh, between the adult feral cats I already knew about this was overwhelming. Fast forward two months and I actually managed to catch the one kitten that didn't get taken in by a shelter. What a story....
I had been feeding the kitten along with the momma and some other feral cats since June. I was also going out and trying to interact with the kitten over the last two months with no luck. Last Thursday I noticed that the kitten had kind of been shunned by the adult cats and the momma seemed to have gotten less involved as well. I spent 45 minutes or so hanging out trying to catch her while she played under my car. (and I have a good 75+ mosquito bites to prove it) No dice. So on to my next plan, I sat in the entryway with the food, since the adult cats won't really come near the food I leave for them, I was hoping the kitten would come up. Yuppers, the kitten did and I moved the food up into my entryway. The kitten was pretty much in my entryway and engrossed in the food so I slowly moved my hand over the kitten and I was able to grab it. The kitten did fight back, I got bit on my hand and my leg but nothing to major. I took the kitten into the bathroom, got the kitty litter situated, dry food, and water. Then I hopped in my car and ran to Pet Supermarket to get some other essentials and walked in one minute before they closed. They were so helpful!
Then on to Tarzhay for some neosporin and some other kitty essentials. I left some wet food out for the kitten and applied some flea treatment (fingers crossed that it works). Friday night we hung out in the bathroom for a while, I talked and let her get used to my voice. Saturday morning I spent some more time with the kitten and fed some tuna to the kitten. By the end of the morning, the kitten was letting me pet it. The kitten is very friendly and hanging out on my lap regularly. I'm not sure if it's a boy or girl kitten, I plan on heading to the vet this week. I believe the name is going to be PK (pretty kitty).
I also bought a new bike this weekend and got a couple of rides in for 16+ miles.
Personally, I also had to get a new therapist as mine has moved away. I also started some medication for anxiety, things are getting a bit better from that perspective. What's new with you?